API Documentation

API Documentation

Access our financial data programmatically with our easy-to-use REST API

Authentication Required

Please sign in or create an account to use the API. The basic API is free to use for everyone.

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Getting Started

Our API uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication with API keys, and returns JSON responses.


You can authenticate your API requests in two ways:

1. Using HTTP Headers

Include your API token in the request header:

X-API-Key: your_api_token

2. Using Query Parameters

Alternatively, you can pass your API token as a query parameter:


Note: Using the header method is recommended for production environments as it's more secure than exposing your token in URLs.

Base URL


Rate Limits

API requests are limited based on your subscription plan. Free users get 30 requests per day, while premium users enjoy higher limits.

API Reference

Explore our comprehensive API endpoints to access financial data, news, and more.