depreciation and amortization | | 625K - | 419K 32.96% | 562K 34.13% | 1.11M 96.80% | |
change in working capital | 1.23K - | 225 81.63% | -578K 256,988.89% | -17.07M 2,853.29% | -38.51M 125.58% | |
net cash provided by operating activities | | -1.74K - | -4.99M 286,681.61% | -16.47M 230.10% | -37.58M 128.14% | |
investments in property plant and equipment | | -273K - | -323K 18.32% | -1.15M 255.11% | -2.56M 123.54% | |
sales maturities of investments | | | | 93.71M - | 25.15M 73.16% | |
other investing activites | | | 116.72M - | -456K 100.39% | | |
net cash used for investing activites | | -273K - | -323K 18.32% | -1.60M 396.28% | -30.91M 1,828.51% | |
other financing activites | 25K - | 11.51M 45,936% | -102.67M 992.10% | 62.48M 160.86% | 2.15M 96.56% | |
net cash used provided by financing activities | 25K - | -469 101.88% | 7.30M 1,555,963.54% | 48.32M 562.16% | 35.18M 27.19% | |
effect of forex changes on cash | | 5.77M - | | | 37.63M - | |
cash at beginning of period | | 25K - | 5.49M 21,860% | 7.47M 36.14% | 88.11K 98.82% | |